One of the questions we get asked a lot is " Which ones are mens rings?"
We understand, it can be confusing and really there is a simple answer, they all are!
Men's jewellery, particularly rings, are available in lots of different shapes and where you may think that some are aimed more towards a gentleman, it is really not the case.
It comes down to particular tastes and styles, a lot of men have never worn rings the same way a woman does. Women tend to buy fast fashion, maybe gifted, an heirloom or seen a high street jeweller which they like. Men's rings tend to mostly be wedding bands or rings and only worn when wedded.
Shape, width and metal are the biggest things to consider when purchasing something really bespoke.
Court shape has a rounded dome shape, if you were to slice it it would have a D shape.

A flat ring is exactly that, it would be flat with a shape more like this [] is sliced.

Bevel edge is a little difficult to describe but its flat with the corners sharply tapered.

The width of a ring is entirely the wearers choice. A smaller male width would be around 4 or 5mm, 6,7,8mm tends to be the norm.
We pride ourselves in being able to offer a wide selection of different metals. Stainless Steel and Titanium are our classic silver colour choice of rings. Black Zirconium is a deep glossy black, Damascus has those lovely layers and Timascus and Zircuti are colourful and bold. If you'd like something totally unique search for our Superconductor ring!